Hey friends,
Every week from now on, I will be sharing a challenge from various areas online. I will try to share my insights and maybe some tips and tricks all just in an attempt to keep your mind jogging!
This Week's Challenge
For this week's challenge(though late), our challenge is from the Frontend Mentor IO NewsLetter SignUp form
It's a fundamental design challenge with js DOM manipulation All you need to remember! I solved mine with HTML, CSS and JavaScript- You can use whatever you prefer.
You need to have this project on Github it's good practice
Work on a different branch and make frequent commits
If you need me to give you code reviews create a pull request to your main/master branch and send me the Pull Request Link to my email address
Feel free to ask me any questions, I am available to guide you daily
Remember to submit the project on the Frontend Mentor Platform as soon as you are done with your project, this will help you stay motivated.
Let's Prep for more significant collaborative projects by working on this
Bonus tips to get started
Practice mobile-first development. Instead of creating the desktop design first, do the mobile simpler design first
Use CSS variables
Go through the provided on the downloaded to understand the project requirements successfully
Edit the ReadMe template to customize it to your project
You need knowledge of email validation
You can consider using a framework too if that's what you are currently upskilling in
Remember to capture the email to display it from one screen to the next
Styling can be difficult CSS flexbox, CSS grid with either tailwind or vanilla CSS
You can check out my live project here and code too for reference
Reach out by email if you need any assistance
Let's Gooo!
See you Next Week with another good one!