Join In On a Warm-up Frontend Challenge

Join In On a Warm-up Frontend Challenge

NB: This is aimed at my mentorship team every other beginner is welcome to join in


I previously shared a story on being a first-time mentor, just to be clear they are amazing and more so I am having so much fun as they keep me accountable as I do the same. It is definitely a fair trade -relatively. Read the article here.

Amazingly I found FrontEnd Mentor and it is my dream that it will change our lives - as frontend enthusiasts at least.


  1. By participating in this specific challenge, we hope to increase our knowledge of GitHub

  2. Understand the benefits of using GitHub as a collaboration platform

  3. In addition, you will receive code reviews (from both the Frontend mentor and me) that will guide you in writing better code


  • Make sure you have a GitHub account see here how to create an account

  • Make sure you have downloaded and installed Git Bash on your pc for windows and the alternative on Mac/Linux

  • The challenges will take place weekly or biweekly

Awesome! Let's Get Started

  • Now that you are in the loop-->

CREATE A GitHub Repo

Step 1. On GitHub navigate to repositories ->New and proceed to fill out the form for your new project. Make sure you add Readme so your repo is not empty

Step 2. After the repo is created navigate to the green button called Code and copy the link

Step 3. In your PC- In the location, you would like to have your project folder, right-click and select git bash here

Step 5. On your terminal type git clone https..... \*Paste the link you copied from your repo*

CREATE A New Branch

Step 6. Open this folder on your code editor ideally VS code

Step 7. For good practice, you are going to be working on a feature branch and not your main/master branch (that you are on by default)

Step 8. On your git bash terminal(from step 5) or VS code terminal ensure you are in the project folder, if not, navigate to your project folder using the command: cd nameOfFolder

Step 9. Create a new branch using the command git checkout -b nameOfBranch

Step 10. Ensure you are on the new branch to proceed


Step 11. On your browser, Download the necessary files for our warmup project HERE

Step 12. Inside your project folder(from step 3) create an assets folder and paste the files from Step 6 here

Step 12. Proceed to implement the warmup project on this branch


Step 13. During implementation and after you are done with your project you will need to push your code to GitHub using the terminal (any terminal you choose is fine- I prefer Git bash) follow these instructions to push your code and these instructions to create a pull request DO NOT MERGE!

Step 14. Send the link to your pull request on your browser Url tab for review as directed

Final Words

I am excited to share this with you and even work with you hands-on to make sure you are the best version of yourself as a developer. Feel free to share any sentiments in the comments. See you at the next one!