Photo by Jingda Chen on Unsplash
The RollerCoaster I Chose - Dev Retro 2022
The false advertising we all need
Hello friends, 2023 is here and I can clearly see it - 2022 is behind us, done and dusted! Seeing that most people had a tough year I feel the need to highlight that it hasn't been so bad, it's just that we all expected Post-covid to be a smooth ride. Which if you think about it, that was crazy, pure bonkus ---_-- :} (laughs sarcastically in morse).
Little Did I Know
I swear it was just 2019 when I learnt HTML (in class) and decided Web Development was my path because HTML was like ABC (and I did not come to this life to suffer) - but when I blinked, I had to figure WTF was React and why I didn't have to add code to my very own index.html.
They don't warn you, they never tell you the whole truth - you discover it's a scam when you are knee-deep in your career and "in love" with the 'colors' in CSS and recreating top sites like Netflix. I was THIS love-struck by CSS!
Little did I know they don't make Apple's website on plain HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS- it's crazy right? Right? I met ReactJS in 2020 and gave up before a month was done. Proceeded to build websites my vanilla way, till I had to learn another framework. Crazy because you gotta learn the Javascript Framework but crazier because I went with Angular which was almost like greek to me, but harder!
Would have given up on the path but as I said I was already engorged(the trap worked!). Being an adult who no longer has passions like being a doctor or pilot, at least Web Development lit a fire(maybe out of anger-but it worked) in me even if it wasn't perfect or maybe it was just heartburn, I pulled through.
It's all related - they said (they lied)
2021 was the year when I wrote code only in languages (Python) I had no business using(I did not even learn it). Had nothing related to my journey as a web dev but hey! at least I built a stock prediction app and graduated college :)
The beast is 2022, I couldn't think straight had so much on my plate, and wasn't even ready to go back to Web Development. Imposter syndrome finds you even when you are just chilling and trying to think. At the top of the year, I tried to get internships but instead met terrible "mentors". I got discouraged and wrote no code at all for months on end... blah blah blah(it gets worse before it gets good)
I wish it was just a straight line
Remember when I said I got sparks from Web specifically Frontend? I figured I must really design. I should try Design, maybe just graphic design? Lol-FAIL!!
Let's try again, I know better - maybe!
Eventually mid-2022 I reconnected with my fireworks and applied for Microverse BootCamp. As I write this, I just completed the first module (HTML, CSS and DOM JS) with a huge smile plastered to my face- I know nothing about marriage but reconnecting with the love(or is it light) of my life is elevating. I am really excited to see where my journey takes me, especially the part where I will confront React again.
I have learnt so much from my past experiences. Check out my GitHub account here and maybe collaborate on something. I will write my journey down and share it with you, I appreciate you reading this article. Let's make this year regret not coming sooner
Share in the comments if you relate. Thank you!