Group Challenge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript

With little practice, daily compound growth is achieved!

This is aimed at guiding my mentorship team, but all are welcome to join

***Disclaimer: Only Pro members of FrontEnd Mentor IO may participate in the described project, however, an alternative is provided- all the other steps are the same

This article is a simple guide and you can find more descriptive guidelines on getting started here

Step 1: Get Started

A. Create a GitHub Repo and initialize the Readme Md

B. Clone this repo to your local computer

Step 2: Work on A Different Branch

C. Create a new branch for you to work on the project

D. Download the Frontend Mentor IO Challenge material here by clicking start challenge (Alternative: Challenge)

E. Paste the downloaded content to your local repo(ensure you are not on the main branch)

Project Name

Pod request access landing page

Project Summary

In this challenge, you'll be building out an early-access landing page that includes custom form validation.

Project Breakdown

- Build out this early access landing page and get it looking as close to the design as possible and add JavaScript for custom form validation

Highlighted Project Requirements

- Responsive website, interactive hover states, form/email validation

Further details

Go through the brief on the challenge and readme in the materials provided

Step 3: Apply the best HTML, CSS and GitHub practices

F. Work on the challenge using HTML, CSS and GitHub-make frequent commits to GitHub

NB: Make sure you edit the Readme file according to the template provided

  • Delete any extra files eg. style guides or design images(you can also choose to add them to the .gitignore)

  • Deploy your site on GitHub pages/Netlify or Vercel

Step 4: Submit your work for review

G. On completion, create a descriptive pull request to your main branch(DO NOT MERGE)

H. Send me the link to the pull request's URL (it should look something like this:

Step 5: Make changes

I. I will give you feedback and request some changes

J. Make the requested changes and re-send the pull request

Step 6: Final submission

K. After approval, merge the branch, deploy(if not already) and submit on frontend mentor io respectively.

Final words...

Thank you for reading this article, I am excited to be doing this and sharing it too. I wish you all the best in your journey as a developer. You got this!